A saga can be executed using the saga client API. The client has to be able to access the same cluster that the saga coordinator is running on.

It is the responsibility of the client to define the saga graph. This can be done using the Saga builder DSL. The client then uses the client API to execute the saga.

The saga API has two methods:

  • submitSaga - submits a request to execute a saga.
  • getSagaResponse - asynchronously queries the result of saga execution. It returns a FutureResult that asynchronously completes with the result of the saga when the saga completes.

The Kafka implementation of this API publishes a saga request to the saga request topic in Kafka when submitSaga is called, and waits for a result to appear in the saga result topic to complete getSagaResponse.

To create an instance of the saga API, a saga client builder is available.

For example:

SagaAPI<A> sagaApi = SagaClientBuilder
     .create(propsBuilder -> propsBuilder.withBootstrapServers("kafka_broker:9092"))

Some notes:

  1. withSerdes is to specify a SagaClientSerdes used to serialise the saga request and saga responses.
  2. withClientId is used to create a private topic to stream saga results to. This enables the client to listen to only the it made. Each client instance should have a unique client ID.