Having defined the aggregate model, and the associate aggregate command and event handlers, we use the AggregateBuilder builder to wire these all together and produce a AggregateSpec.

An AggregateSpec represents everything Simple Sourcing needs to know about a single aggregate.

AggregateSpec userSpec = AggregateBuilder.<UserKey, UserCommand, UserEvent, Optional<User>>newBuilder()
                .withResourceNamingStrategy(new PrefixResourceNamingStrategy("application_avro_"))
                .withInitialValue((k) -> Optional.empty())

We can define multiple aggregate types, each with their own AggregateSpec, then assemble them all with the EventSourcingApp DSL, and start the application.

The EventSourcingApp DSL also has an addAggregate method that provides an AggregateBuilder. With this pattern, you provide a function that applies the build steps, and don’t have to instantiate the builder directly.

 new EventSourcingApp()
	 .<UserKey, UserCommand, UserEvent, Optional<User>>addAggregate(builder -> builder
	        .withInitialValue((k) -> Optional.empty())